
Monday, January 30, 2012


cukuplah bagiku pengetahuan Tuhanku,
daripada permintaan dan usahaku,
doa serta permohonanku,
sebagai bukti kefakiranku...

Oleh kerana rasa itu aku berdoa,
pada saat aku senang dan susah,
Aku adalah hamba, menjadi kebangganku,
dalam kefakiran dan keperluanku...

Wahai Tuhanku yang memiliki aku,
Kau Maha Tahu akan keadaanku,
dan apa yang berada dalam hatiku,
dari kesedihan dan kesibukanku...

Maka tolonglah aku dengan kelembutan,
dari Mu wahai Tuhan seluruh hamba,
wahai Tuhan yang maha Pemurah tolonglah hamba,
sebelum lenyap kesabaran hamba...

wahai Pemberi pertolongan dengan segera,
berilah kami dengan segera pertolonganMu,
yang dapat menghilangkan kesulitan dan dapat mendatangkan,
dengan apa-apa yang kami harapkan semua...

Wahai yang Maha dekat, dan menjawab,
wahai yang Maha Mengetahui dan Mendengar,
aku mengaku akan kelemahanku,
dan ketaatan serta kesedihanku...

aku sentiasa menunggu di hadapan pintu rahmatMu,
wahai Tuhanku berikanlah rahmat padaku,
pada lembah kuurniaMu aku berada,
wahai Tuhanku tetapkanlah keberadaanku di sana...

aku sentiasa mempunyai prasangka baik,
ia adalah teman dan kawanku,
juga penyenang bagiku dan yang setia bersamaku,
sepanjang malam dan siangku...

wahai Tuhanku dalam jiwa ini terdapat hajat,
tunaikanlah wahai yang Maha Menunaikan,
tetnteramkanlah rahsia dan hatiku,
dari kebimbangan dan pergolakannya...

sungguh aku berada dalam ketenteraman dan ketenangan
dan juga ketenteraman dan ketenangan menjadi pakaianku...

got form here:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Miracle that don't always happen~

Bismillah~ I got 2 sibling cats. One we called Putih and one we called Hitam. They have been in my family for more than a year. 21 days ago, Putih give birth to 2 beautiful kitten. Sex is still unknown. We don't have the heart to pick the kids and fondle with them. Afraid that Putih will move them elsewhere. Today, Hitam gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens. It was a hard thing to see. She really don't have the strength and energy to push.. I was called by her. She wants me around while she is in labor. How odd. I recite Selawat Tafrijyiah for her. By the time i finished, Putih came into the room and i thought at first she wanted to say hi and wishing good luck to her sister. Instead, Putih sniff the kids and help Hitam clean up. Ya Allah~ sesunggunya Kau yang memudahkan segala urusan. Felt like crying!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kisah Rasulullah dengan Buah Limau~

Suatu hari Rasulullah SAW didatangi oleh seorang...wanita kafir. Ketika itu baginda bersama beberapa orang sahabat. Wanita itu membawa beberapa biji buah limau sebagai hadiah untuk baginda. Cantik sungguh buahnya.Siapa yang melihat pasti terliur.

Baginda menerimanya dengan senyuman gembira. Hadiah itu dimakan oleh Rasulullah SAW seulas demi seulas dengan tersenyum. Biasanya Rasulullah SAW akan makan bersama para sahabat, namun kali ini tidak. Tidak seulas pun limau itu diberikan kepada mereka. Rasulullah SAW terus makan. Setiap kali dengan senyuman, hinggalah habis semua limau itu.

Kemudian wanita itu meminta diri untuk pulang, diiringi ucapan terima kasih dari baginda. Sahabat-sahabat agak hairan dengan sikap Rasulullah SAW itu. Lalu mereka bertanya. Dengan tersenyum Rasulullah SAW menjelaskan Tahukah kamu, sebenarnya buah limau itu terlalu masam semasa saya merasainya kali pertama. Kiranya kalian turut makan bersama, saya bimbang ada di antara kalian yang akan mengenyetkan mata atau memarahi wanita tersebut. Saya bimbang hatinya akan tersinggung. Sebab tu saya habiskan semuanya.

Begitulah akhlak Rasulullah SAW. Baginda tidak akan memperkecil-kecilkan pemberian seseorang biarpun benda yang tidak baik, dan dari orang bukan Islam pula. Wanita kafir itu pulang dengan hati yang kecewa. Mengapa? Sebenarnya dia bertujuan ingin mempermain-mainkan Rasulullah SAW dan para sahabat baginda dengan hadiah limau masam itu. Malangnya tidak berjaya. Rancangannya ditewaskan oleh akhlak mulia Rasulullah SAW.

Demi sesungguhnya, adalah bagi kamu pada diri Rasulullah itu contoh ikutan yang baik, iaitu bagi orang yang sentiasa mengharapkan (keredhaan) Allah dan (balasan baik) Hari Akhirat, serta ia pula menyebut dan mengingati Allah banyak-banyak (dalam masa susah dan senang). [al-Ahzab 33:21]

source: En. Khalis

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.

"The art of living easily as to money is to pitch your scale of living one degree below your means."

Sir Henry Taylor

Thursday, January 19, 2012

ini adalah comel~ :)


i was following this blog when i found the link..dlm banyak2 aku suka yg ini:

for further reading, sila ke SINI :)

happy reading!!

peace v ^_^ V

Jawaharlal Nehru
"Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind. Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people."

*Jawaharlal Nehru is: Indian politician; 1st prime minister of India 1947-1964; father of Indira Gandhi*

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Job Rotation


Lama tak buat post meluahkan perasaan. I guess it has been quite some time since I last ‘share’ other people’s life stories, quotes and thoughts~
Well, what to bring up? Let’s talk about job rotation.

There are always two sides of everything. Yin and Yang. This and That. Pro and Con. Happy and Sad. Life in general is about balance. Balancing your feelings and your time also. So, to relate to the topic mentioned, Job Rotation definition are, a job design technique in which employees are moved between two or more jobs in a planned manner. The objective is to expose the employees to different experiences and wider variety of skills to enhance job satisfaction and to cross-train them.
Read more:

Job rotation is the surest way of keeping the employee away from complacency and boredom of routine. It is difficult for an employee to sustain his interest in a given job for any substantial length of time as humans have the tendency of outgrowing their jobs through the learning and experience that they gain over a period of time. Stimulating human mind through diversity of challenges is a sure way to bring to forefront its creative instincts and in taking the individual and organizational performance to a higher plane. This is where job rotation can prove to be a handy tool. Read more:

A well planned job rotation programme in an organization has immense potential of positive impact on job satisfaction, engagement of people and finally on retention of people. Few of the outcomes of job rotation with respect to the individual are:
  • Job enrichment
  • Overall development
  • Intrinsic motivation to perform caused by newer challenges
  • Career development
Whereas for an organization, the benefits could include some or all of the following:
  • Leadership development
  • Aligning competencies with organizational requirements
  • Lower attrition rates
  • Performance improvement driven by unique view points of new people
Today, in the industry, job rotation is viewed “as just another transfer” rather than as an important tool for implementing HR strategy of the company. Job rotation has become a ritual at best, without any focus on the outcomes that can be achieved through a little planning and implementation effort. Today, job rotation is a means of punishing poor performers, settling scores arising from organizational politics, or going through percentage rotation scheme, where a certain percentage of employees in a certain area are shifted to pre-designated areas every year. 

In order to realize the true potential of job rotation, there must be a planned system in place with the policy taking into account,
  • Organizational interest – employee commitment, attrition rates, specific business issues etc.
  • Eligibility of the employees – qualification, prior experience, aptitude, competence etc.
  • nature – mandatory or voluntary
  • Duration
  • Basis of selection etc.
In the absence of aspects brought out above, there is every possibility that the seriousness with which the job rotation scheme is implemented in the company may get diluted and become a cause of sagging employee motivation. 

For job rotations at a slightly higher level, it is absolutely necessary that the business problems in various areas are identified. This calls for the active involvement of top management. Select most suitable people to be shifted from their current jobs to tackle the challenges at hand by considering individual attributes already described above. This will not only provide an insight for the future leaders in various aspects of the business but also will enhance their confidence levels as they solve these critical problems for the organization.

Job rotation at junior and middle level executives may be pivoted around their strengths and attributes and the future roles expected of them. Focus must be on exposure in all related areas of his domain of expertise, so that as they grow to higher rungs of the management, they have an overall experience of their domain.

Job rotations for workers must include aspects related to work environment, also along with other individual attributes already explained, so that it adds to his satisfaction derived from balanced distribution of work load, working conditions and learning opportunities.

Done this way job rotation gets aligned with career development, leadership development and employee satisfaction which would finally result in higher levels of intrinsic motivation among the employees and hence may contribute in retaining talent.

Well, who am I kidding? Despite all the positive things that can be chosen to face all this, there are still teeny weenie bits and pieces of uncomfortable feelings to do so. Yes I am afraid. I am honestly hoping for the best of this matter. Let us together be productive and less talking about other people~ okay?
Okay :)

Do u know about Cucumbers?

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need
every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin
B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin
B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron,
Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon,
put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a
cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B
Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that
quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.

3. Tired of your bathroom mirror
fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a
cucumber slice along the mirror, it will
eliminate the fog and provide a soothing,
spa-like fragrance.

4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds?
Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will
be free of pests all season long. The chemicals
in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give
off a scent undetectable to humans but drive
garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.

5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before
going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or
two of cucumbers along your problem area for a
few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber
cause the collagen in your skin to tighten,
firming up the outer layer and reducing the
visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

6. Want to avoid a hangover or
terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices
before going to bed and wake up refreshed and
headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B
vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential
nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in
equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and

7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening
snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used
for centuries and often used by
European trappers, traders and explores for
quick meals to thwart off starvation.

8. Have an important meeting or job interview and
you realize that you don't have enough time to
polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber
over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a
quick and durable shine that not only looks
great but also repels water.

9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a
cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic
hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!

10. Stressed out and don't have time for a massage,
facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire
cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water,
the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber
will react with the boiling water and be
released in the steam, creating a soothing,
relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce
stress in new mothers and college students
during final exams.

11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or
mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to
the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30
seconds to eliminate bad breath, the
phytochemcials will kill the bacteria in your
mouth responsible for causing bad breath.

12. Looking for a 'green' way to
clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel?
Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the
surface you want to clean, not only will it
remove years of tarnish and bring back the
shine, but it won't leave streaks and won't harm
your fingers or fingernails while you clean.

13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen
writing, also works great on crayons and markers
that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!

Pass this along to everybody you
know who is looking for better and safer ways to
solve life's everyday problems

Tanda Hati Sudah Mati

Menurut Syeikh Ibrahim Adham, antara sebab atau tanda-tanda hati mati ialah :
  • Mengaku kenal Allah swt, tetapi tidak menunaikan hak-hak-Nya
  • Mengaku cinta kepada Rasulullah saw, tetapi mengabaikan sunnah baginda
  • Membaca al-Quran, tetapi tidak beramal dengan hukum-hukum di dalamnya
  • Memakan nikmat-nikmat Allah swt, tetapi tidak mensyukuri atas pemberian-Nya
  • Mengaku syaitan itu musuh, tetapi tidak berjuang menentangnya
  • Mengaku adanya nikmat syurga, tetapi tidak beramal untuk mendapatkannya
  • Mengaku adanya siksa neraka, tetapi tidak berusaha untuk menjauhinya
  • Mengaku kematian pasti tiba bagi setiap jiwa, tetapi masih tidak bersedia untuknya
  • Menyibukkan diri membuka keaiban orang lain, tetapi lupa akan keaiban diri sendiri
  • Menghantar dan menguburkan jenazah/mayat saudara se-Islam, tetapi tidak mengambil iktibar daripadanya.
Pengajaran daripadanya:
  1. Hati mati kerana tidak berfungsi mengikut perintah Allah iaitu tidak mengambil iktibar dan pengajaran daripada didikan dan ujian Allah.
  2. Hati juga mati jika tidak diberikan makanan dan santapan rohani sewajarnya. Kalau tubuh badan boleh mati kerana tuannya tidak makan dan tidak minum, begitulah juga hati.
  3. Apabila ia tidak diberikan santapan dan tidak diubati, ia bukan saja akan sakit dan buta, malah akan mati akhirnya.
Santapan rohani yang dimaksudkan itu ialah zikrullah dan muhasabah diri. Oleh itu, jaga dan peliharalah hati dengan sebaik-baiknya supaya tidak menjadi kotor, hitam, keras, sakit, buta dan mati. Gilap dan bersihkannya dengan cara banyak mengingati Allah ( berzikir ).

Sucikanlah 4 hal dengan 4 perkara :
“Wajahmu dengan linangan air mata keinsafan,
Lidahmu basah dengan berzikir kepada Penciptamu,
Hatimu takut dan gementar kepada kehebatan Rabbmu,
…dan dosa-dosa yang silam di sulami dengan taubat kepada Zat yang Memilikimu.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Choose...

I choose to be happy, no matter what.
I choose to make the best out of anything that comes my way.
I choose to smile.
I choose to treat other people as i wanna be treated.
I seek forgiveness from people that i have hurt intentionally or not.
I choose to forget the mistakes of others.
I choose to forgive.
Let all the people be happy too~

"Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art."

don Miguel Ruiz

"A man without ambition is dead. A man with ambition but no love is dead. A man with ambition and love for his blessings here on earth is ever so alive. Having been alive, it won't be so hard in the end to lie down and rest."

Pearl Bailey

Selawat Tafrijiyah

1. Menurut Imam Ad-Dainuri r.a, barangsiapa membaca selawat ini 11 kali setiap hari setiap lepas sembahyang lima waktu, rezekinya tidak putus-putus dan mendapat kedudukan yang tinggi.

2. Menurut Imam Al-Qurtubi r.a, barangsiapa membaca selawat ini 41kali atau 100 kali, Allah akan menghilangkan segala dukacita dan dimudahkan segala urusan kehidupan.

3. Barangsiapa membaca selawat ini 313 kali setiap hari, nescaya akan terbuka beberapa rahsia ghaib.

4. Barangsiapa membaca selawat ini 4444 kali akan tercapai segala cita-cita dan hajat dunia dan

Monday, January 16, 2012

Do You Pray 5 Times A Day?

*that is why your face is bright*



Pagi Sabtu kami bertolak ke UTP untuk jemput DJ. Alhamdulillah perjalanan lancar dengan traffic clear dan cuaca yang cemerlang~

Kami bertolak berempat, Baba driving, Mama, Me and Aminah. The journey was fun. Kami bersembang, dan berteka-teki. Singgah makan di Serendah. Lepas area Rawang. Seronok sebab kereta tak banyak.

Sesampai di UTP, kami boleh sesat dalam mencari Village si DJ. Apakah, kena ulang alik 3-4 kali baru terpikir nak telefon dia and tanya kat mana sebenarnya~

Dalam perjalanan pulang ke Kajang, kami met an accident. Berasap penuh kat depan kereta kami. Most of the cars kena emergency break. Ada lorry terbalik. It was really frightening!

Namun perjalanan kami selepas daripada itu agak lancar semula.

Macam tu juga dengan kehidupan ni. perjalanannya kadang kala lancar, kadang kala kita terpaksa emergency break. Kadang kala terpaksa ulang alik beberapa kami membuat kerja yang sama sebelum sampai maksud atau hajat…

Renung2kan J


This is amazing, he died of pancreatic cancer in 2008, but wrote a book ‘The last lecture” before then, one of the bestsellers in 2007. What a legacy to leavebehind
In a letter to his wife Jai and his children, Dylan, Logan, and Chloe, he wrote this beautiful "guide to a better life" for his wife and children to follow.
May you be blessed by his insight.

Dr. Randy Pausch



1. Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
2. Don't have negative thoughts of things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment
3. Don't over do; keep your limits
4. Don't take yourself so seriously; no one else does
5. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip
6. Dream more while you are awake
7. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need..
8. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner of his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
9. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
10. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present
11. No one is in charge of your happiness except you
12. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
Problems are simply part of the curriculum that appear and fade away like algebra class but the lessons you learn will last a lifetime.
13. Smile and laugh more
14. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


15. Call your family often
16. Each day give something good to others
17. Forgive everyone for everything
18. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6
19. Try to make at least three people smile each day
20. What other people think of you is none of your business
21. Your job will not take care of you when you are sick. Your family and friends will. Stay in touch.


22. Put GOD first in anything and everything that you think, say and do.
23. GOD heals everything
24. Do the right things
25. However good or bad a situation is, it will change
26. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up
27. The best is yet to come
28. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
29. When you awake alive in the morning, thank GOD for it
30. If you know GOD you will always be happy. So, be happy.

While you practice all of the above, share this knowledge with the people you love, people you school with, people you play with, people you work with and people you live with.
Not only will it enrich YOUR life, but also that of those around you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Rehatlah mata..
Malam bukan panjang. Masa juga singkat. Esok akan kau tempuhi satu lagi hari dgn org2 yang tiada timbang rasa. Kau harus tabah.

Rehatlah telinga..
Esok akan kau mulakan semula tugasmu. Mendengar dan menilai. Siapa ubat, siapa kulat. Dengar kerana mampu. Dengar bukan kerana mahu.

Rehatlah jejariku sayang...
Dijadikan malam untuk kau berhenti menaip. Beri peluang darah menyegarkan urat.

See that in life,we should strive.all out.until there are no more that we shall move on peacefuly..


[Personal Taste OST] Dropping Rain - Kim Tae Woo

:) lagu kegemaran Aminah~


say what??!
Kak Nana, i miss you~
Dayah, i miss you~
Kenit, i miss you~

Cheesecake, i miss you~

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Sempurnakan Sujudmu!

Kategori:  Ibadah


Dari Anas RA katanya, Rasulullah SAW bersabda:Sempurnakanlah sujud mu! Jangan membentangkan dua siku seperti anjing (tidur).

Huraian Hadith:

Sujud ialah meletakkan kepala di bumi. Ketika sujud, fikiran berada lebih rendah dari hati. Ulama' mengatakan bahawa sujud ketika solat adalah waktu manusia paling hampir dengan Allah SWT.

Sebenarnya ketika seseorang manusia itu mengerjakan solat, berpuluh-puluh iblis akan datang menggoda. Sesetengahnya datang pada setiap anggota badan supaya datang perasaan malas, was- was, terlupa bilangan rakaat, bimbang pada pekerjaan dunia yang ditinggalkannya, sentiasa hendak cepat, hilang khusyuk dengan mata sentiasa menjeling ke kiri ke kanan, telinga sentiasa mendengar orang bercakap serta bunyi-bunyian yang lain.

Malah ada juga iblis yang duduk di belakang badan orang yang solat itu supaya ia tidak dapat sujud lama kerana penat atau sebagainya. Ketika sujud kita digalakkan bertafakur beberapa ketika. Dari segi kesihatan bersujud boleh mengelak dari penyakit pening atau migrain. Ini terbukti oleh para saintis yang membuat kajian kenapa dalam sehari kita perlu bersujud. Ahli-ahli sains telah menemui bahawa terdapat beberapa milimeter ruang udara dalam saluran darah di kepala yang tidak dipenuhi darah. Dengan bersujud maka darah akan mengalir ke ruang berkenaan.

Dalam solat, cara sujud mestilah mengikut kaedah yang paling sempurna iaitu turun ke bawah dengan tangan, meletakkan ia ke bawah sebelum lutut. Kita dilarang meniru cara unta duduk iaitu cara duduk dengan lutut dahulu. Hendaklah jadikan tapak tangan sama aras dengan kedua bahu. Tidak meletakkan (melebarkan) lengan di tanah seperti anjing. Meletakkan hidung dan dahi di atas bumi. Begitu juga dengan lutut. serta perut jari kaki. Menegakkan kaki dengan tumit berdiri tegak selari. Semua anggota yang disebutkan tadi dipanggil sebagai anggota sujud yang menentukan sempurna atau tidaknya sujud seseorang yang sedang solat iaitu sebagaimana yang diperintahkan oleh Rasulullah SAW.

sumber: Dr. MAK

choose wisely

Bismillah~ J

I was late for work this morning. I was jammed like yesterday. Perhimpunan Aman is not likely the reason. I guess it has to be that the school term is started once again. Well, I actually went out at 7.15am. It is no way I’ll be late going to work at that hour. But not now, though.

Anyways, while driving in the long queue, of course there WILL be people that’ll just LOVED cutting lanes. People who exchanging lanes without first giving signals. It was as if giving you the ultimate reason to ram on their butt and be gone with it. “Yeah, who asked you to cut into MY lane, huh? I am definitely NOT Mr. Nice Guy (woman, in my case~)”

He he he, this morning there is some ‘but’ in my driving. It is not other person that makes you angry, it is yourself that choose to be angry over small matter. Tolerate is the key. I let you pass, other people let me pass. I let you through; other people will let me through. It is as simple as that. It is obvious that everybody is running a bit (oh yea?) late. So what is another 1-2 minutes more?

"Not by wrath does one kill, but by laughter."

~Friedrich Nietzsche~

Desire not the world, and God will love you; and desire not what men have, and they will love you.

Monday, January 9, 2012

ignore,ignore go away


Have you ever feel like you don't matter? As for me I’m experience it right now. Maybe it is one of the PMS symptoms. Ok, so what to do then?

First you will have to learn that it happens sometimes. When people around you don't seem like they care, you try to separate your emotions from them. Morrie from 'Tuesday with Morrie' said it as 'to detach yourself from the emotion', but first you must be soak in them to experience the feeling completely~
so, that when the feeling came, you recognize it and you get away from it. detaching yourself from the pain, loneliness, anger, happiness or any feelings there are~

So, the next step is to know how to keep your mouth shut. No matter how ‘moved’ you were with all the tone used on you, the way you being addressed and the mood you are in. yeah, even when all you can think of is to slam their face in shit and to kick and kill the other person, you must not show it. Walk away, walk away, walk away~

Your friendship will be at jeopardy if you decide to play along with the shitmoody person. Because, it is YOU are the one that having the mood swing. So everything will seems to be at wrong timing and all, it is because of your mood peeps… don’t get carried away~

Distract yourself by doing something that you like. Writing will help, updating blog for example. Baking cheesecake, or reading Harry Potter books~ anything just to cheer you up again~

Emas, walau dipalit najis, tetap berharga.

Pagi ni keputusan perbicaraan kes liwat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Keputusannya, DSAI bebas. Telah tertulis di Luh Mahfuz. Telah ditakdirkan. Biar nanti bersaing secara adil. Secara ‘man-to-man’…

Seikhlas hati, aku berdoa agar DSAI dan ahli keluarga beliau dipermudahkan segala urusan. Dan aku percaya ramai diluar sana yang turut ikhlas mendoakan keluarga beliau. Cukup-cukuplah fitnah yang ditabur. Cerita yang dijaja. Gossip yang dilempar. Carutan dan makian yang tersisa. Cukuplah.

Dosa manusia, biar ALLAH yang adili. Kalau makhluk tidak boleh dipercaya, biarkan. Serah semua pada DIA. Siapa boleh cabar kuasa Pencipta? Siapa makhluk yang boleh lawan kuasa Yang Esa?

Aku percaya juga, yang benar akhirnya akan terserlah. Yang intan biasanya lebih bersinar walaupun dicelahan kaca. Emas, walau dipalit najis, tetap berharga.


monolog Nabi Yusuf

"Ya, Tuhanku ! Penjara yang gelap lagi sempit itu lebih baik bagiku daripada dalam istana tetapi menghadapi perempuan perempuan cantik yang selalu menggoda itu. Mudah mudahan dalam penjara itu nanti dapatlah aku bertambah sabar, dapat menghitung hitung nikmat dan pemberian Engkau, dapat menyelami rahsia rahsia kebesaran Engkau, ya Allah. Kalau aku di sini, ya Allah, selalu berhadapan dengan perempuan perempuan yang menggoda kepadaku, aku takut dan khuatir kalau kalau semangatku lemah, imanku luntur, syaitan menang dalam menggodaku sehingga aku terperosok masuk ke lembah kehinaan dengan mereka. Ya Tuhan, penjara lebih baik bagiku daripada tergoda goda seperti ini,jauhkan juga aku dari penggodaan itu, dan saya adalah hambaMu yang bodoh. "

syukur, Alhamdulillah~


1st embrace after verdict~

wajah bersih bakal pemimpin

Saturday, January 7, 2012

a day in my life


It was hot today. From morning until after Maghrib. But i guess, it'll continue until the month change to Rabi'ul Awwal :)

Pagi aku tak ikut berjogging. Ada sikit kecik ati ngan Baba. Emm, was late for Subuh prayers. Not that i intend to do that.. Was sleeping like crazy last nite too~ so i'm sort of at lost with time. And to top things up, jam bilik tak berfungsi ok. It's time to change battery i guess.

And so i didn't go jogging. I spend my morning making chocolate pie instead. Yeah, it calms me :) i start the machine and i arrange the front (kemas kat depan)... I open the door n windows..keeping the sun stream in. It was sunny alright. Perfect weather for family time.

Then after them come home, we watched 'Awake' and taste the pie i made. Yummy, but we are so full of it. Hu, so i'm planning to bring some to rumah Nenek tomorrow~

Was sleeping until 2.30 pm and wake up to pray and eat. Went to Aminah's room and watched FO and eat more pie =) continue with Cintan and watch more Korean ;) haha

now, it's time to sleep. Good!


Friday, January 6, 2012

wanna be my chammak challo?

Sedang gila mendengarkan lagu di atas :)
Lagu dalam filem Ra.One (hindi)...ada Datuk Shah Rukh Khan, Kareena Kapoor ngan Arjun Rampal.
Bajet mcm dpt tgok pgi malangnye Mei tak bawak cd dia..huhu

ermm, apa nak cerita ek? Mlm ni rasa agak panas~ xtahan..
full speed kipas and rasa mcm nk mandi sekali lagi jer!mama kata mmg akan panas.
Sepanjang bulan Safar ni..

Esok plan nak buat Oreo Cheesecake yg kak Wid ajar. Hope jadik :)

being keji on petang Jumaat

Shit DamnIt!!

macam2 facebook~


1. Berambut perang..tak pun rambut kaler merah highlight sikit-sikit budget Avril

2. Kau pintal-pintal rambut kat public dengan lidah terjelir-jelir..kau nak jadi pornstar eh?

3. Snap gambar dari atas, buat duck face & kau upload kat Facebook..geli doh tengok..kalau 1 album nama kau, dalam tu semua muka itik kau. Muka penuh depan kamera..semuat-muat frame..bodoh

4. Kau rasa comel bila kau type message 'ewww..jum lepak..busyan lorh...umah tadew orang..pakwe gie maen futsal pulark..busyan busyan! T__T' macam shit kau tahu tak

5. Kau kerek bila kau makan kat fastfood ngan member-member kau..kau snap gamba sana-sini macam tempat tu tak de orang..annoying taek!

6. Kau pakai baju nampak lurah tetek kau pegi jalan-jalan kat bandar..kau seronok lah abang misai pandang pastu tulis kat facebook 'nyampah nyew adew abang misai usya-usya kitew..tark syukew tark syukew larh' Perosak bahasa sial.

7. Annoying doh tengok kau peluk laki or balak kau dekat public or shopping complex..kalau sangap sangat g rumah tumpangan RM30/nett

8. Kau pakai tudung tapi kau pakai jeans yang abang misai dari jauh boleh nampak shape bontot kau yang jatuh tu..lagi-lagi kalau lepas duduk, terselit 'celapong' (celah ponggong a.k.a pungkoq)

9. Macam shit bila kau tulis kat facebook yang kau tengah tension, tengah sakit perut, tengah happy..weh..asal time berak kau tak tulis sekali 'kitew tengah berak..syuke syuke ^__^'

10. Kau saje ubah-ubah relationship status kat facebook..kononnye kau ni macam best kejap Single, kejap in relation, kejap open..asal kau tak bubuh 'I am Lesbian'

11. Nyampah tahu tak kalau kau tak reti bawak barang shopping sendiri..padahal 2 3 plastik je..tu pun nak suruh balak kau..balak kau nyampah ok..bukan suka pun

12. Sikit-sikit kau ngadu kat member-member kau yang kau ada stalker kat kelas, kat office..konon kau tak tahu nak buat ape..ape doh perangai kau

13. Kau bisik-bisik ngan member kau yang duduk semeja..padahal dekat meja tu tengah lepak 4 5 orang

15. Bila kau lepak ngan member yang hot stuff, hensem-hensem, kool, kau tak pulak nak tegur member kau yang pakai tudung serabai plus muka berminyak 'she's not my friends..please lah'

16. Kau tenung-tenung mamat yang cam kool supaya mamat cam kool tu perasan kewujudan kau sambil buat muka tahi

17. Kau order makanan itu ini sebab gambar dekat menu cantik..tapi bila makan 3 4 sudu kau cakap tak sedap..lepas tu tak habis..lepas tu ngadu lapar..g makan kat tempat lain pulak..nak terajang muka kau siot

18. Kau tak pandai buat tu, buat ni..tanak pegang tu, pegang ni..alasan kau kotor, jijik..habis sapa yang nak buat kan? 

19. Pakai tudung, baju kurung, manis..dalam wayang, dalam kereta, huih....bukan main sandar-sandar, peluk-peluk, ramas-ramas..baik tak payah pakai tu semua..selalu nampak kat highway

20. Kau cerewet..kena buat semua benda macam kau nak..kalau tak sama macam kau nak, kau angin, kau merajuk, kau marah..cuba kalau kau buat kerja yang orang cerewet macam kau..muncung je mulut kau

21. Kau merajuk ngan mak kau, kau merajuk ngan bapak kau, pakwe pun buat taek ngan kau..kau ngamok, marah, benci & merajuk..last-last kau decide kau bunuh diri..terjun dr bumbung Pavi..tapi tak mati pun..silap-silap kena buang keluarga..lagi shit hidup kau

22. Lepak ngan sekutu gediks kau ketawa kuat kuat, buat onar..masing masing dressed up fancy nak mampos. Skali awek pakai tudung litup melintas korang pakat usya atas bawah atas bawah ramai2. pandangan jijik like 'eww she dont have style..yucks' emang gud gud la kau

23. Mekap tebal ala ala mak ayam..atas mata tu dah macam pelangi..tambah plak bulu mata palsu..klip pah kip pah mata tu dah macam berus cat..kelopak mata tak larat nak sial.. satu level ngan bapok belakang lorong haji taib..

24. Pakai baju sikit lagi nak 6pak puting..lengan himpit tetek bagi terkepit..konon nak bagi nampak lurah lebih menonjol pastuh snap gamba dari atas supaya nampak yg dalam baju tu... buat pulak muka bersyahwat sambil lidah terkeluar.. what the hell..saje menambah bilangan owang laki masuk narakka jahanam

25. Kau buat facebook ni macam medan memperagakan diri..kau upload beribu ribu gamba muka kau je sampai 10 album.. bila ade org puji kau jawab 'ala shayer tark syomel pown..beshe beshe jew' nyampah siot

sumber aliff cullen