
Monday, January 9, 2012

ignore,ignore go away


Have you ever feel like you don't matter? As for me I’m experience it right now. Maybe it is one of the PMS symptoms. Ok, so what to do then?

First you will have to learn that it happens sometimes. When people around you don't seem like they care, you try to separate your emotions from them. Morrie from 'Tuesday with Morrie' said it as 'to detach yourself from the emotion', but first you must be soak in them to experience the feeling completely~
so, that when the feeling came, you recognize it and you get away from it. detaching yourself from the pain, loneliness, anger, happiness or any feelings there are~

So, the next step is to know how to keep your mouth shut. No matter how ‘moved’ you were with all the tone used on you, the way you being addressed and the mood you are in. yeah, even when all you can think of is to slam their face in shit and to kick and kill the other person, you must not show it. Walk away, walk away, walk away~

Your friendship will be at jeopardy if you decide to play along with the shitmoody person. Because, it is YOU are the one that having the mood swing. So everything will seems to be at wrong timing and all, it is because of your mood peeps… don’t get carried away~

Distract yourself by doing something that you like. Writing will help, updating blog for example. Baking cheesecake, or reading Harry Potter books~ anything just to cheer you up again~

Emas, walau dipalit najis, tetap berharga.

Pagi ni keputusan perbicaraan kes liwat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Keputusannya, DSAI bebas. Telah tertulis di Luh Mahfuz. Telah ditakdirkan. Biar nanti bersaing secara adil. Secara ‘man-to-man’…

Seikhlas hati, aku berdoa agar DSAI dan ahli keluarga beliau dipermudahkan segala urusan. Dan aku percaya ramai diluar sana yang turut ikhlas mendoakan keluarga beliau. Cukup-cukuplah fitnah yang ditabur. Cerita yang dijaja. Gossip yang dilempar. Carutan dan makian yang tersisa. Cukuplah.

Dosa manusia, biar ALLAH yang adili. Kalau makhluk tidak boleh dipercaya, biarkan. Serah semua pada DIA. Siapa boleh cabar kuasa Pencipta? Siapa makhluk yang boleh lawan kuasa Yang Esa?

Aku percaya juga, yang benar akhirnya akan terserlah. Yang intan biasanya lebih bersinar walaupun dicelahan kaca. Emas, walau dipalit najis, tetap berharga.


monolog Nabi Yusuf

"Ya, Tuhanku ! Penjara yang gelap lagi sempit itu lebih baik bagiku daripada dalam istana tetapi menghadapi perempuan perempuan cantik yang selalu menggoda itu. Mudah mudahan dalam penjara itu nanti dapatlah aku bertambah sabar, dapat menghitung hitung nikmat dan pemberian Engkau, dapat menyelami rahsia rahsia kebesaran Engkau, ya Allah. Kalau aku di sini, ya Allah, selalu berhadapan dengan perempuan perempuan yang menggoda kepadaku, aku takut dan khuatir kalau kalau semangatku lemah, imanku luntur, syaitan menang dalam menggodaku sehingga aku terperosok masuk ke lembah kehinaan dengan mereka. Ya Tuhan, penjara lebih baik bagiku daripada tergoda goda seperti ini,jauhkan juga aku dari penggodaan itu, dan saya adalah hambaMu yang bodoh. "

syukur, Alhamdulillah~


1st embrace after verdict~

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