
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What goes around comes around

Do you believe in saying “What goes around (will eventually) comes around”?
That is what happened to one ex- friend of mine. I dunno if I can still consider her as friend. You see, the situation gets awkward due to lack of communication and understanding in her part.

It’s my blog so let me write freely of what I am saying and what I felt all these while. Seems like she don’t give any thoughts of saying anything about me nor when she decided to talk bad about one’s company~

Ok, everybody got their own freedom of speech. I don’t argue with that. It is the after-effect that bothers me. Forgive and forget, they say. I don’t think so. It’s like the term just seems so hollow. No meaning and no value at all.

Who am I at the eyes of people around me?
Who is she at the other people’s eyes then?
Once again I lost respects to an intellectual individual that I respect most~ Pengajar, Pendidik, Teachers, Cikgu, Guru, (whatever~)

Some people just do not want to learn to appreciate others. I am honestly praying that these kind of people shall be taken care of by GOD so that they shall been given the opportunity to redeem themselves J we cannot make them understand if they choose not too~

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