
Monday, February 20, 2012


Thanks , Brian :)

Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Today I want to talk about one of the most overlooked factors to leading a healthy life. I was really knocked off my stool recently when I was reminded of it, and I want to pass the info along to you!

The other day, I watched the movie What the Bleep Do We Know? If you’ve seen it, you know that the film presents irrefutable scientific evidence that our thoughts have an enormous affect on our bodies, down to the cellular level. Thoughts of love, compassion, gratitude, kindness, and forgiveness are very nourishing to the body. Anger, resentment, frustration, and other negative emotions trash the cellular structure of the body. Even though you don’t eat thoughts, your body still “digests” them in very much the same way. Before I explain, how about a brief experiment?

Close your eyes for 20 seconds and hold the word “LOVE” in your mind. Imagine love spreading throughout your body. Say “I love you” to yourself out loud or silently a few times. Do you notice an instant difference in the way you feel? This is the power that our thoughts have over us. You just changed your cellular makeup for the better, in under a minute! And, if you were to conduct a similar experiment with the word “HATE”, for example, you just might end up feeling kinda crappy afterwards. Here’s why:

The hypothalamus is a part of the brain that constantly releases chemicals based on the way that you choose to feel. These chemicals are referred to as “peptides”. When you feel good, the hypothalamus releases a specific peptide for that emotion that travels throughout your body. All the cells of your body have “receptor sites” on their exterior, and peptides attach themselves to receptor sites and begin to affect the cell. Over time, these cells become used to receiving certain peptides, and begin to crave more of them. If the cells in your body go a while without getting any of the specific peptide, they send a message to the brain asking for it. This is referred to as a craving. What’s important to know is that the cells do not differentiate between good and bad peptides! This is why toxic, negative emotions can be so addicting. If you constantly feel sad, victimized, scared, or helpless, there are very specific peptides released for each of those emotions, and your cells are taking these in. So what are these harmful peptides doing to your cells?

If toxic peptides resulting from negative emotions are allowed to run rampant and attach themselves to your cells time and time again, the structure of the cell becomes compromised. This leaves it unable to effectively absorb nutrients, digest proteins, and relieve wastes. Simply stated, if you have years of toxic emotional buildup, it doesn’t even matter much that you are eating healthy, because your body likely isn’t absorbing/digesting it properly anyways. Therefore, taking responsibility for your emotional life may be of first priority, before you even embark on a high-nutrient diet.

What kind of thoughts are you sending your body? What kind of chemicals are you suggesting that the brain release into the body? How will you choose to respond the next time you spill something or get stuck in a traffic jam? How about the next time someone says something offensive to you?

Every time you get angry, you get better at being angry. Every time you choose to be positive, or at least neutral, you become better at maintaining those emotional states. The choice is all yours!

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