
Friday, January 6, 2012

consider yourself lucky~

Listening to a rant by someone who is known to you is not really an easy task. If you’re a person like me (ehem) you might be basking in the stories and feel burdened yourself. I am a romantic fool (as mentioned by Nanem) in one of our outings... I imagine a married life to be so much fun and not lunging for each other throat all the times. Couples (married of course) are supposed to be two lovey dovey creatures that should roam the land. Not some fighters getting ready for battle each day! Hmm, that’s what happens to me… Usually~ (sigh)...Daydreaming again and again~

So when I heard about some ‘kinks’ in marriage(s), I am doomed to be thinking that EVERY marriage will be exactly like that. At this point of time, I eliminate other factors such as upbringing, families where you come from, your attitude and your pig-headedness (if any~)
I really cannot accept the fact that the reality is so harsh. It’s not supposed to be any problem when two people are willing to cooperate the whole time. But I do understand that an individual /a person will always have their own needs. I want this; I want that, blah blah blah ~ give me my own space kinda act! BUT it is NOT to be considered IF you are TOGETHER in this marriage! When people are TOGETHER together, you have to respect each other. You have to involve each other in any decision you wish to make. Not just sleeping together... Man, get yourself together!

Now I am ranting about other people’s problem!!

“Ehem..ehem, and this is my problem, why????”, said myself to me.

“I also don’t know…” I heard myself answered back. – The thing is I just have a feeling that I need to share this.  Not for anyone but me.

***Always, always, always in my du’a I wish for a blessed married life, being at terms with each other, because I wanna be married for him and him only, not just here in Dunia, but also fil Akhirah~***

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