
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Zero Gravity

hmm, that is the name of the song i am hearing right now. it was sang by David Archuleta. a cute boy who won a place in American Idol :p

we finished our English Course this afternoon. all in all, I'm enjoying this course from the start until the end. during the end of the session, Ms. Kit gave me and Mr. M.Nasir chocolate for being active participants. all of the group got a hamper of their own and we split it all equally :)

returning to my office after the tea-break, i remembered that this afternoon i met kak Maslin and Cik Nommi. both of them are my client. one was in the country for few weeks for her husband's job updates and the other was here for final goodbye before flying off tonight to New Zealand.

seeing them makes myself determine to finish up my studies as soon as i can. i want to earn this degree for mama and baba plus my adik-adik. hmm, my lovely sisters and handsome brother. it has been quite sometime that we didn't sit and spend time together for Sob's away for he is currently working his ass off in Dengkil.

one of my sis is currently studying in UTP, Tronoh. she's in second year. the last time we visited her in TKC, Seremban. hmm, all in all she was and will be away from the family for ten consecutive years, ma!! hmm, wonder you are a little bit off somewhere! hahaha

one sis is working in my hometown (alhamdulillah!) so she stayed at home with us :)

and the last sis, will be having her PMR this year. hmm, time flies isn't it? and sometimes i still have a feeling like I'm in a zero gravity! come on babe, wake up and smell the coffee. people move on and so am i. people meet up and people depart. people come and people go. nothing we do can stop or interfere with the course of life of each living and breathing human being in this world :)

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